Have you recently received a letter from the mortgage company stating that your home is at risk of foreclosure? If so, then you might want to retain a foreclosure attorney as soon as possible. Sure, money might be tight at the moment, but there are any benefits to hiring this kind of attorney. Take a few minutes to review the following points so you will have an easier time deciding if this is indeed the best step for your situation.

Reviews The Legalities Of The Pending Foreclosure

Yes, there are cases in which the mortgage company is considering the foreclosure process when they should not. This is generally due to something as simple as the misapplication of payments from the borrower or the failure to process the mortgage account as a bankruptcy. If you have suspicion that your home should not be in foreclosure, as you have done your part, you may want to have a foreclosure attorney check it out for you. He or she can request a copy of your payment history from the mortgage company. This will show what payments were made and where they were applied. For example, if you have made a few extra payments in advance, but still find yourself suddenly behind in payments, it could be that the mortgage company applied those extra payments to the principal balance instead of rolling your due date forward.

They Can Help You Apply For Assistance

There are a lot of mortgage companies that are now offering assistance for delinquent homeowners that meet certain criteria. For example, your foreclosure attorney can help you apply for a loan modification, forbearance, or short sale. These are all excellent options for the individual that wants to avoid a foreclosure on their credit. Sure, you may be able to apply for such assistance on your own, but with a pending foreclosure hanging over your head, you might find it to be a little more frustrating and confusing than if you simply allowed an attorney to handle it for you.

They Can Handle The Collection Calls

In the midst of trying to figure out what is going on and what can be done about it, there will most likely still be some collection calls from the mortgage company. Many people find this to be one of the most frustrating parts of having a past due mortgage. However, it is not something that you have to worry about dealing with if you have retained a foreclosure attorney. Simply give the mortgage company his or her contact information and they will then direct all collection calls to the appropriate law office.

With those few points in mind, it should be rather easy to see why so many people are now retaining a foreclosure attorney as soon as they know that the mortgage company is interested in coming after their home.
